Getting Started with Essential Oils

Embrace wellness with Young Living essential oils.

Embrace wellness with Young Living essential oils.

Young Living was thinking of us when they put together 11 of the most widely used oils, which support all of the different systems of the body, into one phenomenal kit. It comes with: Frankincense, Lemon, Lavender, Peppermint, Copaiba, Thieves, Citrus Fresh, Raven, PanAway, DiGize, and Stress Away. It also comes with a GORGEOUS diffuser, Thieves Household Cleaner (has literally replaced every cleaner in my house!), 2 packets of Ninxia Red and more!

This kit is absolutely what I would recommend because it sets you up to use your oils in so many ways and is the best value for your money. It's only $160! That brings the price of these incredible oils down to less than $15 per bottle!!! Who can get a bottle of truly pure Frankincense for $15??? If you price out each oil in the kit, it would be over $200 retail WITHOUT the diffuser or any of the extras the kit comes with. Plus, getting started with the Premium Starter Kit includes your wholesale membership (a $45 value) that saves you 24% on any future purchases. There are no fees to keep your membership active, and as long as you spend $50 in a 12 month period, your wholesale membership stays active. It's an incredible value!

Would you like more details? Click here.

Ready to jump right in? Click here to get your kit on its way to you!